
TPT17 Preview: New Look and Dark Mode

TPT 17 Preview: New Look and Dark Mode

Dark Mode in TPT17.

TPT17 has got a new look and feel. Not only does it come with more reduced icons, high DPI and a welcome screen, the testing tool can now also be switched to dark mode. This way TPT can adapt to your individual preference.

The welcome screen includes useful information and direct links for occasional and power testers. If required the welcome screen can be turned off, as well. Take a first glance at the welcome screen, illustrated in dark and light mode:

You can of course keep the usual light mode or have TPT adapt to your system’s setting, as well. Specifically, there are three color settings:

1. Light Mode
2. Dark Mode
3. System Mode (adapting to the color setting selected in Windows settings)

Thanks to the overall improved look and feel of the GUI, working with TPT has become even more efficient since you can more easily locate the functionalities which you require for your testing projects. 

How do you switch to dark mode?

Run your test cases, this is what it looks like if all test cases pass:

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