
Testing with IPG CarMaker

CarMaker TPT 18
CarMaker TPT 18

Testing with IPG CarMaker is fully supported with TPT18. Our incubation feature, first released in TPT 17, has received several updates. We have significantly optimized the interface. You can control, build and modify virtual test scenarios created in CarMaker from TPT. The scenario-based test models of TPT combined with the CarMaker simulation and visualization makes ADAS and AD testing even more easy, better readable and maintainable. You can use this powerful duo to test a model, source code, ECU or any mix, such as Model-in-the-Loop, Software-in-the-Loop or Hardware-in-the-Loop

You can expect the following new features in TPT18: 

  • Automatic interfacing to CarMaker projects. 
  • AutoStart of once configured CarMaker project after the interface import. 
  • Abort a running simulation at any time 
  • Visualization of test scenarios via IPG Movie 

You are interested in the best test automation solution in the automotive world. We present it to you. You will be fascinated. We promise. 

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