
Testing in MiL, SiL, PiL, HiL and vehicle with TPT

TPT is independent of the tool environment in which the software is going to be tested. That means you can use the test cases created with TPT in MiL, SiL, PiL, HiL, and also in a vehicle. If you want to use a test environment not supported in TPT yet, we will find an individual integration solution for you.

Technically, test execution with TPT is based on a virtual machine (TPT-VM) — that is the same for all test environments supported by TPT. Several platform adapters are available to integrate the TPT-VM in different test environments.

Don’t worry about adapting test cases when switching to another test environment. Just create your test cases and select the desired test environment in TPT.

Test environments of TPT


MiL-tests in TPT can be executed on MATLAB/Simulink, TargetLink, ASCET and ASCET-DEVELOPER. Analysis of your model interface, the generation of a test harness and test execution: every step is automated by TPT.


C/C++ code can directly be tested with TPT. Also AUTOSAR software components can be tested with TPT as well as C/C++ code that has automatically been generated from Simulink, TargetLink, ASCET or ASCET-DEVELOPER models.


PiL-tests can be performed with TPT on different architectures by coupling TPT closely to the Universal Debug Engine (UDE) by PLS, or Trace32 by Lauterbach. PiL-tests via Simulink are also possible.


TPT is connectable to dSPACE HiL, Simulink Realtime, Concurrent iHawk, NI Veristand, CANoe, RT-LAB or LABCAR HiL.
Dependent on the HiL, the TPT-VM runs on a control-PC and communication via ASAM HiL API or on real-time capable hardware.

Automated Driving Test

It is possible to establish a communication between TPT and a vehicle. Parallel driver interaction is possible via acoustic message or graphical display.

What is Model-in-Loop Testing? Learn more here.


TPT tests can easily be executed in continuous integration/testing environments.

For Jenkins please visit (TPT) including Jenkins pipelines.

Batch Run & Console

For batch test execution a command line interface is available: e.g. tpt.exe –run build <tpt-file> <Execution Config>For more information please use tpt.exe –help or visit the User Guide.

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