
TPT Tutorials.

Introduction to TPT.

  • set up an execution platform
  • set up a test step list
  • set up test cases
  • execute tests
  • generate a test report


  • definition of the term “Automaton”
  • distinction between path
    and branching
  • types of automata
  • creating an automaton
  • varying parts of the automaton
  • definition of term “testlet”
  • types of testlets
  • set up testlets
  • delete content from testlets
  • using a testlet signature
  • set up signals in the Declaration Editor
  • types of steps
  • import and/or embed signals in a test step list
  • set up an hierarchical automaton using test steps
  • definition of the term “Time Partition”
  • reference to already used Testlets inside an automaton
  • definition of Parallel Steps
  • set up Parallel Steps
  • check if the signals run in parallel by using  the signal preview
  • change Parallel Steps into consecutively run steps
  • deactivate single steps inside a Parallel Step (effect)
  • elements of the Table step
  • set up a Table Step
  • the Table step in the report
  • how to analyse code coverage for code that has been generated from ASCET
  • get an impression of the power of the Assessment platform
  • the platform lets you run evaluations on measurement data without the need to set up test cases
  • run TASMO to check if all preconditions  are fulfilled
  • specify the input signals
  • choose the coverage goals
  • run the test generation
  • insert the found test data simultaneously as a Test Step List and as test cases into  the current TPT project
  • activate code coverage
  • execute the generated test cases
  • report
  • open Dashboard panel
  • general purpose of the Dashboard
  • group Dashboard elements
  • the Multi-State-Widget
  • specify transitions from one state to  another in a widget
  • record of the actions inside the  Dashboard during runtime
  • insert the recording simultaneously as  Test Step List and as test case into the current TPT project
  • import of requirement document
  • import of test case document
  • create test cases and assesslets
  • link requirements to test cases and assesslets
  • configure execution/report options and execute test cases
  • show requirements overview in test report
  • import of new requirement document
  • export test case information and test results
  • select Subsystem to be tested
  • test case definition and test case creation
  • further functions see here
  • implement formalized notation into requirement
  • check formal requirements automatically
  • further functions see here

Use Cases.

  • set up the MATLAB/Simulink platform
  • generate test frame automatically
  • create test cases and assesslets
  • execute test cases
  • analyze test data
  • automatically generate and show test report
  • set up the C/C++ platform as test environment
  • compile an executable from the C/C++ code
  • insert information about scheduling, channels, functions and the like into TPT
  • create test cases and run them
  • show and analyze all test data
  • node interface and FUSION interface
  • the different stages of a node
  • types of so-called nodes
  • workflow of the FUSION platform
  • insert a custom node
  • set up a custom node
  • configuration of the FUSION in TPT
  • enable Test Step Live View
  • configure offline logging for Simulink models
  • platform configuration
  • view interface signals and internal signals
  • configure AUTOSAR platform
  • configure MATLAB/Simulink platform
  • configure back-to-back setting
  • test report including back-to-back references
  • import links to requirements from codebeamer into TPT
  • import test cases from codebeamer into TPT
  • export test results back to codebeamer
  • export test cases from TPT to codebeamer 
  • setting up Speedgoat configuration in TPT
  • setting up test cases and configuring Assesslets (Trigger Rule)
  • execute tests and check results in the Signal Viewer and Overview Report
  • Project and configuration in TPT
  • Debugmode and generating an Eclipse project
  • Test Case Generation, Test Execution and debugging with Eclipse
  • Get the suitable CDT Eclipse Version for debugging in TPT
  • 7 quick steps: import or update requirements from Polarion into your TPT project

Release Videos.

  • 100% Code Coverage
  • Powerful Connections
  • Test Case Generation 2.0
  • TPT & Silver Update
  • Cloud testing
  • More automation features
  • Additional test environments supported
  • read full list here
  • Simplified editing
  • Optimized test process
  • More execution platform support
  • read full list here

What's new?