
Many TPT users. Many user stories.

Many testers worldwide have been using TPT daily for over 10 years. In the meantime there are several thousand users of TPT. With so many users and even more potential use cases we have selected some representatives.

For more insights you can read this interview about what a test manager values about TPT and how he works with TPT.


From the very beginning, TPT has been used for the integration test of an automatic gearbox software. Since that time, a lot of automatic transmissions, hybrid and electric drives with or without plant models have been tested with TPT.

Trucks Powertrain

The Daimler Trucks powertrain development department successfully uses TPT for the functional testing of transmission management software, both for module tests and for integration tests.

Powertrain Solutions

The Robert Bosch GmbH uses TPT for module and integration tests in the development process in its Powertrain Solutions business unit.

Since years, Volkswagen successfully uses TPT in the development of energy management systems of high-voltage batteries and other charger systems. They use TPT both for module tests in MATLAB/Simulink and for integration tests.

Energy Management Systems

Body Controllers

TPT is used in all fields of the development of body controllers. For example to test light controls, seat-heater controls, electric window controls, or air conditioning controls.

Interior electronic

Since several years, the electronic development departments of Mercedes at the Daimler AG successfully use TPT in all of their projects to test Simulink and TargetLink models of interior electronics. This also applies to components of their suppliers where both exchange TPT models.

Driver Assistance Systems

TPT is able to perform reactive tests. Thus it is possible to use TPT for example to test driver assistance systems and advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). TPT can also be used for running tests in simulated environments such as e.g. VTD and simulated vehicles.

Autonomous Driving

Renault uses TPT for the validation of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Autonomous Driving Functions as well as other body functions like tire pressure monitoring system.

Emergency Braking System

The trucks electronic development department at the Daimler AG uses TPT to test Simulink models and HiL test benches to validate the system of the emergency-braking systems.

Drive Dynamics Control

TPT can be used for testing of drive dynamics and vehicle stability control systems such as ABS, ESP or roll control. Drive dynamics control systems require closed loop testing together with complex nonlinear vehicle models.