
Testing via CAN using TPT

Testing with TPT can be done via CAN busses. In particular, test cases can be executed via adapters manufactured by either Vector or Peak, namely, via a Vector CAN card, a Vector CAN case, or a Peak PCAN USB adapter. At any rate, CAN communication with TPT is also possible entirely without additional software tools.

Specifically, TPT is able to map CAN messages to TPT signals in a fully automated way through DBC files. The messages are being transmitted to the control unit via the hardware connection. Note that the test cases can run in quasi real-time.

What’s more, test diagnoses can be performed with TPT using tools such CANape or DiagRA-D.

CAN testing with TPT also allows for restbus simulations and co-simulations. To carry out test cases via CAN we have developed our own platform called TPT FUSION. Thanks to so-called FUSION nodes parallel testing of additional environments is made possible.

TPT supports using CAN adapters

Application Tools:
ETAS INCA or Vector CANape

TPT exchanges signals and parameters with INCA or CANape, which the application tool in turn sends or receives via the CAN bus to the control unit. TPT can run both environments remotely.

It is possible to initiate measurements and alter application parameters. Besides scalar parameters, also structured application values like arrays, maps, and curves can be manipulated.

The measurement data can be observed on the real system and afterwards assessed automatically in TPT.



TPT supports the ASAM standard XCP on CAN using the CAN node of the FUSION platform.


Once the connection over XCP is established, TPT can access all internal calibration and measurements variables of the control unit. The mapping of these variables is done via the A2L file.


The advantage of this integration is that no other application is needed in-between TPT and the vehicle.


Read diagnostic data from ECUs directly from within TPT. 

Diagnostic requests can be performed during the test execution using tools such as CANape or DiagRA-D.

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