
TPT: Controls testing made easy

With TPT, you can test ECU software and embedded control systems in all development phases such as Model-in-the-loop (MiL testing), Software-in-the-loop (SiL testing), Processor-in-the-loop (PiL testing), Hardware-in-the-loop (HiL testing), ECU testing and vehicle testing. Whether you create a simple module test or a complex system test: TPT provides unique features to create those tests intuitively and flexibly.

Safety standard directives can be satisfied while testing with TPT up to the highest safety level. Relevant standards, such as ISO 26262, are well supported.

TPT supports all testing activities from test case design/generation, test execution, test assessment and reporting, as well as test management and requirements traceability.

Watch now: First steps with TPT

Test case design and test case generation

We designed TPT to be the best tool for testing signal-oriented systems. With TPT your test case design is very powerful, easy to handle and easy to maintain even for complex systems with large interfaces.

Test cases in TPT are intuitively modeled with a unique combination of graphical automatons and test steps. This combination gives your tests a clear structure with powerful features to manipulate and observe signals and actions during tests.

Synthesized signals, measurement data and function calls are easily integrated in the test cases. Test cases created with TPT are reactive, thus the tests can react on the system’s behavior during the test run.

TPT is able to automatically generate test cases in many different ways. Most sophisticated is the test case generation of code coverage tests for Simulink, TargetLink and Stateflow models as well as for C-code

Test execution from MiL to ECU and vehicle

Designed test cases can run in many different environments for MiL testing, SiL testing, PiL testing, HiL testing, ECU testing and vehicle testing. TPT is able to execute your test cases in many well-known execution environments. If you need a test environment not supported in TPT yet, we will find an individual integration solution for you.

Test assessment and reporting

Automated tests require automated assessment of the test results to allow a really efficient workflow. TPT supports you with fully automated assessment features and generation of test reports. TPT supports many powerful features for all kinds of assessments: from very simple to highly complex ones.

In all cases you can start by verifying the test results manually using the TPT signal viewer. The signal viewer is a powerful tool that allows you to analyse and compare signals in every detail. This helps to localize problems and anomalies and to formulate reproducible assessment rules.

It is very simple to use expected results in the test design or to formulate general assessment rules that can be checked independent of the test cases. In TPT you will find powerful user interfaces for assessment rules and a feature rich editor for a unique scripting language for the test assessment based on Python. Thanks to the auto-completion and the extensive help in TPT, both approaches are easy to manage.

Finally, a detailed and configurable test report containing the computed test results and relevant test data is created for your test management.

TPT Automatic Test Assessment
Assessing test data with the Signal Viewer by PikeTec

Requirements tracing

You can import requirements to TPT and link them with test cases in order to monitor the requirements coverage. Using the assessment feature of TPT (assesslets), you can automatically check and document if the test cases fulfilled the requirements or not.
Requirements can be linked to test cases, state variants, and to assessment rules

Dashboard – Interactive testing

The Dashboard by PikeTec is a free configurable tool to create user interfaces in TPT for the system under test. You can work with widgets like sliders, gauges, buttons, and images. The Dashboard can be used both for manual testing and system observation. The interactions with the Dashboard can be recorded and transformed into test cases. The Dashboard is also useful to virtually test control panels.

What is Model-in-Loop Testing? Learn more here.

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