
Technical Aspects in Cloud Testing

Use Cases of the Case Study

We are investigating the reduction of test execution time to a minimum by utilizing multiple parallel computing units. In this case, the user initially initiates the test run.

Building upon the first use case, within the scope of Continuous Integration (CI), the test initiation is now also automated. Changes to the code base are intended to be captured, triggering relevant tests to start automatically.

Our Case Study Setup

The case study focuses on automated testing of simple functional software. The emphasis is on test execution and evaluation. The resulting report provides insights into which tests were successful and which ones failed.

To conduct these tests, three essential components are required: a suitable testing framework, test data to stimulate the test subject, and assessments for evaluation of correct functionality.

System under Test

The test subject is a simple Simulink model that calculates the control of the vehicle’s external lights based on a light switch and light intensity: Testing Lights Control with TPT.

We assessed this simple example as highly suitable for the use cases because it serves as an exemplary representation of automotive embedded software development. It has a manageable size, encompasses well-known functionality, and has been tested frequently.

Test Environment

The testing is conducted in both Model-in-the-Loop (MiL) and Software-in-the-Loop (SiL) environments. The results of both types of tests are automatically compared as part of a Back-2-Back test.

TPT for Test Automation

The automated tests were created and executed using TPT. TPT is a widely used solution in the automotive industry and enables testing of Matlab/Simulink and Targetlink models. In the comparative testing between MiL and SiL , the same test cases are used without modification. Test execution in MiL is achieved through the integration of TPT and Matlab/Simulink, with TPT automatically establishing the connection. In the automotive industry, tests are typically conducted on a PC. However, for particularly large models or extensive tests, execution can take several days due to the sequential handling of test cases and limited scalability on a PC.

Advantages of Testing with TPT

Test Framework

TPT constructs a test framework tailored to the software.

Test data to stimulate the test subject.


In automotive software development, tests are typically executed on a PC. For very large models or extensive tests, the execution can even take several days. The extended duration primarily arises from the sequential processing of test cases and the limited scalability on a PC.

Assessments for evaluating whether the test subject functions correctly.